Monday, September 30, 2019

Human Resource Development Essay

Involve them, trust them and treat them as resource or assets. 3- Fours on strengths of people and help them overcome their weakness. 4- Integrate individual’s needs & aspiration to organization Objectives of HRD:- 1- Develop high motivation level – To strengthen superior-subordinate relationship 3- To develop a sense of team spirit, team work & inter team collaboration. 4- To develop the original health, culture & climate. 5- To generate systematic info about HR 6- To increase the capabilities of an organization to recruit, select, retain and motivate talented employees. 7- To develop constructive mind in employees. 8- To generate info about HR for manpower planning, placement, successive planning and like. Author – Meera Sharma SCOPE: The field of HRD or Human Resource Development encompasses several aspects of enabling and empowering human resources in organization. Whereas earlier HRD was denoted as managing people in organizations with emphasis on payroll, training and other functions that were designed to keep employees happy, the current line of management thought focuses on empowering and enabling them to become employees capable of fulfilling their aspirations and actualizing their potential. This shift in the way human resources are treated has come about due to the prevailing notion that human resources are sources of competitive advantage and not merely employees fulfilling their job responsibilities. The point here is that the current paradigm in HRD treats employees as value creators and assets based on the RBV or the Resource Based View of the firm that has emerged in the SHRM (Strategic Human Resource Management) field. The field of HRD spans several functions across the organization starting with employee recruitment and training, appraisals and payroll and extending to the recreational and motivational aspects of employee development. The main functions of HRD are:- 1. Training and development Training and development is aimed at improving or changing the knowledge skills and attitudes of the employees. While training involves providing the knowledge and skills required for doing a particular job to the employees, developmental activities focus on preparing the employees for future job responsibilities by increasing the capabilities of an employee which also helps him perform his present job in a better way. These activities start when an employee joins an organization in the form of orientation and skills training. After the employee becomes proficient, the HR activities focus on the development of the employee through methods like coaching and counseling. 2 Organization development OD is the process of increasing the effectiveness of an organization along with the well being of its members with the help of planned interventions that use the concepts of behavioral science. Both micro and macro changes are implemented to achieve organization development. While the macro changes are intended to improve the overall effectiveness of the organization the micro changes are aimed at individuals of small groups. Employee involvement programmes requiring fundamental changes in work expectation, reporting, procedures and reward systems are aimed at improving the effectiveness of the organization. The human resource development professional involved in the organization development intervention acts as an agent of change. He often consults and advising the line manager in strategies that can be adopted to implement the required changes and sometimes becomes directly involve in implementing these strategies. 3. Career development It is a continuous process in which an individual progresses through different stages of career each having a relatively unique set of issues and tasks. Career development comprises of two distinct processes. Career Planning and career management. Whereas career planning involves activities to be performed by the employee, often with the help of counselor and others, to assess his capabilities and skills in order to frame realistic career plan. Career management involves the necessary steps that need to be taken to achieve that plan. Career management generally focus more on the steps that an organization that can take to foster the career development of the employees.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Environmental Case Study Essay

Malathion is a type of pesticide that is usually used in health pest control programs. For example, in mosquito eradication. It is used in various areas and public recreation areas. Other synonyms of Malathion include ‘carbofos’ ‘maldison’ and mercaptothion. It has been used in the past, to eradicate mosquito, Mediterranean fruit fly and the West Nile virus. Malathion use needs to be assessed well. In any urban set up, people are at a very high risk of being affected in case of careless use of this pesticide. Towns support a large number of populations, together with their facilities. As a member of the town council, it would be very crucial for me to carry out a risk assessment exercise before embarking on Malathion use in and around the town. The states of risk assessment will include: hazard identification, dose-response, exposure and risk characterization. In hazard identification, the hazards of using Malathion are identified together with their consequences. Hazards can be grouped into several major groupings. One major group is hazards of Malathion use on human beings. In an urban set up, a large population of people is concentrated at one point. For example, what danger can Malathion use be, if absorbed or ingested into the human body or if present in water sources. If Malathion use can case disorders in unborn babies is also identified. Another category of hazard identification is, hazards Malathion use may cause on the natural environment. This includes vegetation and even soil components. Both domestic and wild animals could be affected by its use. Just like humans, what consequences does Malathion use result to, if absorbed or ingested into the animals’ bodies. The soil interaction with the pesticide means, Malathion use can as well be a hazard to it. Soil supports life on the planet. Chemicals that would change soil composition puts at risk other life forms that depend on that soil. It would be very vital to identify Malathion use hazard and consequences on the environment that people live in. It would also be important to identify hazards of Malathion components on the water bodies. People, animals and plants use water. Identifying the hazards Malathion- contained water may expose to them is crucial in any risk assessment exercise. Dose-response This term refers to the change in effect caused by differing levels of pesticide use (Malathion) in an organism. Organisms can be affected in differing ways, by differing levels of Malathion use. Dose-response assessment would be very critical since, it helps one to identify consequences of Malathion use on organisms. It would be good, to note the effects of Malathion on organisms that exist on that environmental set up. If differing levels of exposure or doses to a stressor triggers change in effect of organisms, the effects will assist in recognizing the risks people, animals or plants are exposed to (Baker et al). Exposure of Malathion use, in risk assessment causes changes in effect of organisms. At this state, chemical components of Malathion, plus their doses are analyzed to determine effects they may have on organisms. For example, quantities of Malathion that differ will not have similar effects on either organisms or the environment. For example chronic exposure to low levels of Malathion have been hypothesized to impair memory. (U. S department of Health and Human Services, retrieved on 2008). This would need to be established if it is true or not. Possible effects of Malathion doses should be established and research done on them, for confirmation before a mission to use Malathion is embarked on. Risks can be characterized depending on affected subjects, areas affected or systems affected. Previous studies have indicated human deaths from Malathion use. Others include intestinal disorders in children, children leukemia, lung damage and kidney damage. Human birth defects have been confirmed in women exposed to Malathion lice shampoo. Malathion results to brain damage and chromosome defects in human blood cells. Genes could also be lost. The immune system is weakened, where there is increased risk of bacteria or viral infection. Animal deaths have occurred and tumors detected on their bodies. Heart defects appear in exposed fish. (Epidemology, 1992: World Health Organization: Edwards et al, 2007) As a result of the risk assessment, I would not vote for the use of Malathion in Genericville city. The hazard exposed to the people, animals and the environment is too great. The effects outweigh any justification for Malathion use. It would be good if other options of controlling the pest were completely exhausted before using the Malathion. Economically, Malathion use could result to extra costs incurred to correct its negative effects on the people, animals and environment. It may lead to political conflicts. Where the community does not agree with Malathion use, use by the council authority will result to disagreements with the community. References Baker E. et al. 1978. Epidemic Malathion poisoning in Pakistan malaria workers Edwards J. et al. 2007. Worker exposure and a risk assessment of Malathion and fenthion Used in the control of Mediterranean fruit fly in south Australia. Environ. Re. 103 (1) Mediterranean fruit fly in south Australia. Environ. Re. 103 (1) Epidemology: Jan 1992. 3 (1): 32-39 U. S Department of Health and Human Services: agency for toxic substances and disease Registry- medical guidelines for Malathion. Retrieved on 15 April 2008 World health organization www. //who. int/entity/water-sanitation-health/dwq/chemicals/malathion/en Retrieved on 15April 2008

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Causes Of The Genocide In Bosnia

Causes Of The Genocide In Bosnia In 1980, the president Josip Tito of Yugoslavia died. After the loss of their president, Yugoslavia had political and economic chaos. Slobodan Milosevic became the leader of Serbia in 1987. He was a strong Serb nationalist and encouraged his beliefs in Serbia and in other republics with large Serb communities. The Serbs in Bosnia were not happy feeling like they were now part of Milosevic’s â€Å"Greater Serbia†. The Yugoslavian Army mostly had Serbs. Radovan Karadzic led Serbs who built their own Republica Srpska in the East, while a Bosnian Serb army was in control of the other  ¾ of the country, driving out most of the Bosnian Croats. Then the European Union tried to help both sides, and failed. The U.N. didn’t want to get involved, but helped a little by providing some troop convoys for humanitarian aid. They later decided to help more by providing six â€Å"safe areas†. The Serbs invaded five of the six â€Å"safe areas† and â€Å"ethnicall y cleansed† them. The Background: Bosnia is one of the several small countries that emerged from the break-up of Yugoslavia, a multicultural country created after World War One. Yugoslavia was composed of ethnic and religious groups that had been historical rivals, including the Serbs (Orthodox Christians), Croats (Catholics) and ethnic Albanians (Muslims). During World War Two, Yugoslavia was invaded by Nazi Germany and was separated. Following Germany’s defeat, Tito reunified Yugoslavia by merging many countries. Tito, a Communist, was a strong leader who maintained ties with the Soviet Union and the United States during the Cold War, playing one superpower against the other while obtaining financial assistance and other aid from both. After his death in 1980 and without his strong leadership, Yugoslavia quickly plunged into political and economic chaos. Organizers: In the late 1980’s, a new leader by the name of Slobodan Milosevic came to power in Yugoslavia. He used religious hatred to control the people by sparking old tensions between the Serbians and Muslims. He took advantage of complaints from the Orthodox Catholic Serbs by taking control of the country Kosovo, where the Serbs were the minority. Milosevic then turned his focus to Croatia, a country with 12 percent Serbs. With the assistance of Serbian guerrillas, Milosevic invaded the small country under the pretenses of protecting the Serbs. Milosevic’s motives for this genocide were strongly based on retaliation. Many Serbian citizens had been subject to genocide during World War Two and they finally had a chance to get â€Å"even† with their enemies. After 13 years at power, the Yugoslavian nations revolted and a national strike followed. Milosevic was tried on the following counts in 2002: genocide; complicity in genocide; deportation; murder; persecutions on political, racial or religious grounds; inhumane acts/forcible transfer; extermination; imprisonment; tort ure; willful killing; unlawful confinement; willfully causing great suffering; unlawful deportation or transfer; extensive destruction and appropriation of property, not justified by military necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly; cruel treatment; plunder of public or private property; attacks on civilians; destruction or willful damage done to historic monuments and institutions dedicated to education or religion; unlawful attacks on civilian objects. Milosevic died on March 11, 2006, at the U.N. war crimes tribunal detention center.

Friday, September 27, 2019

FBI - White collar crimes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

FBI - White collar crimes - Essay Example The main role of the FBI is investigation of criminal activities that are assigned to it. This incorporates intelligence and law enforcement initiatives from the agency. Another role of the FBI is collaboration with other law enforcement agencies in investigative measures in which it helps with evidence examinations, and in empowering members of the other agencies through trainings. In facilitating its investigative role and collaborative role with other agencies, the FBI collects intelligence information, analyses the data and shares it with relevant authorities (The Federal Bureau of Investigations 1). As a special agency, however, the role of the FBI under domestic jurisdiction is limited to â€Å"white-collar crimes, kidnapping, extortion, interstate transportation of stolen property, and bank robbery† among others (Gaines and Miller 156). White-collar crimes are crimes that professionals commit in their course of duty with intent of obtaining material benefits of concealing some information with the aim of avoiding a consequence. Elements such as â€Å"deceit, concealment,† breach of trust characterize it (Ferguson 16). White-collar crimes are also free from use of violence or threat of violence and often aim at receipt of money of commodities of avoiding material liabilities (Ferguson 16). The FBI investigates these crimes to ensure evidence towards justice and its special intelligence is essential to the type of crimes that intellectuals commit through well-crafted schemes that sometimes incorporate intelligence and use of technology to cover up the criminal activities. The Enron case is an example of white-collar crimes that the FBI has investigated. The case involved a series of fraudulent misrepresentation by the firm on its financial position and collaboration with the organization’s accounting fi rm for concealment of the misrepresentations and for further misrepresentations. This led to losses among investors as officials of the company

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Some questions about the Art Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Some questions about the Art - Assignment Example The protagonists in this film are left to rely on their minds in solving the situation. The movie is all about relationship, which comes out as the prominent theme. Relationship between Jeff and Lisa is featured. Marriage theme is also featured whereby by the newly wedded couple shift to a new apartment. On approaching a film, we can consider such perspectives like themes, which explain what the movie is all about. Character traits of the casts are also analyzed to identify their roles within the film. Feminist perspective has been used to explain the Rear Window in a criticism on whether women in the movie have their points of view validated since they are explained as being used as objects of the male (Modleski and Tania 34). This movie has still maintained its ability to create fear and tension in an audience despite that it is close to sixty years old. When Thorwald attacks Lisa in his house, the audience is caught with fear and much tension as they watch the reactions of Jeff. Sigmund Freud was the father of psychoanalysis. He was a physiologist, psychologist, and influential thinker. All psychoanalytical concepts in the Rear Window are based on his work. Such concepts like; ego, repression, the stages of psychosexual development and family romance among others are borrowed for the works of Sigmund

The history of manufacturing in the State of Michigan Essay

The history of manufacturing in the State of Michigan - Essay Example Mining and lumbering industry grew and developed rapidly and the profit from this industry paved the way for the growth of manufacturing industry in Michigan. Michigan became the largest manufacturer of iron and steel products in America. Transportation on railways and waterways were improved to help the growth of industrial sector (â€Å"The Growth of Manufacturing†). In the early history of development of Michigan, manufacturing industry hardly existed. Any small manufacturing units that were there during the early period produced goods only of domestic varieties to be used by families, especially farmers. The farmers produced goods with their own physical labour to meet their own demands. A variety of artisans like blacksmiths existed to make those goods that the families were not able to make by themselves (May & Dunbar 393). In the middle of the nineteenth century, Detroit was an important metropolitan centre in Michigan. Industry of trading and manufacturing flourished during that period and the population of the city became more than double. This added to the cultural advantage of the city. In 1850, illuminating gas was manufactured for the first time. It replaced the use of candles in many homes of citizens. The gas lights lightened up important streets, business centers and hotels. Sewing machines were begun to be manufactured in 1860 to ease household tasks. Kerosene lamps were first manufactured in 1861 and it came into the reach of families with moderate earnings (May and Dunbar 274-275). During the civil war in Michigan from 1861-1866, many new railroads were constructed. Lumbering industry continued to flourish like before. There was shortage of labour during the war as many young people participated in the war. In spite of this shortage, there was rapid development of the manufacturing and the mining industries. The farmers went on with their daily chores as usual. They began to work longer than before and took the help of

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Personal Statement for LSE MSc Finance Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

For LSE MSc Finance - Personal Statement Example My decision to study mathematics in my undergraduate level was motivated by the fact that I always had a flair for the subject. I always regarded mathematics highly as its knowledge is also applied in other subjects such as physics and chemistry. I like solving mathematical problems that the subject provides. For me, mathematics is quite fascinating as it seems boundless and as such allows considerable choice for additional research. My main objective of studying the subject was, therefore, to learn to think and look at things differently, from a different angle than people doing degrees in humanities. While pursuing my undergraduate degree at the University of Edinburg, my mathematical skills have been modelled in a way that I am now in a position to see many things from a mathematical perspective. Some of the courses that have had a significant impact in my mathematical career growth include financial mathematics, Stochastic Modelling and Introduction to Number Theory. I am also doing a project at the moment that stochastically analyses are queuing at call centres. Having almost completed all the branches of the syllabus, I believe I am well-rounded and ready to further my education by pursuing Master of Science degree in finance. Throughout my two final years at the university, my interest in finance and financial analysis was growing each day. I want to get an opportunity to study at one of the greatest universities in UK and worldwide. We are living in a world that, unlike before, continues to experience unprecedented financial and economic meltdown. The recent crises in the global markets and the effects of globalization especially in emerging markets have necessitated a deeper understanding of the subject of finance. This is largely because through the finance knowledge; we can be able to build more robust systems and

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Writing about the meanings of power and privilege Essay

Writing about the meanings of power and privilege - Essay Example Rather than focusing on race itself, however, I will distill the readings related to this module into principles that have been established by studying race while applying those concepts to a different class of individuals; one whose race is not the determining distinction. Although perhaps controversial, I want to apply these observations to academia itself, and contrast what it would feel like to be a member of the working class (out-group) when in the presence of intellectuals (group). In thinking through this comparison, I can see that the principles of racial power and privilege directly translate to issues beyond race. Personal. I wonder what it would feel like to be denied acceptance in a group because I was not considered intellectual; and held political or moral views that were considered un-enlightened or not politically correct. In the presence of a group of intellectuals, I might be tempted to express my personal views on a given subject even though I knew that it would be taken as criticism of their sincerely-held views. As Sassower points out, â€Å"[t]here is a price for even the pedestrian role-playing of a critic. The critic is an ‘outsider’ whose views are suspect and whose motives are scrutinized as to find their flaws and discredit them as quickly and thoroughly as possible† (Sassower 475). Much like race relations, there is an insider/outsider dynamic between those who consider themselves intellectuals and those who are members of the working class. The insiders, on both sides, project superiority and imply inferiority in the outsiders. Herein lies one of the benefits of being a member of a group or preferred class; the ability to be convinced that the group opinion is the right one and any disagreement with that dogma is ignorance. The more intense the group dynamic, the more this concept is justified,

Monday, September 23, 2019

Discuss the work of an artist of your choice who engages critically Essay

Discuss the work of an artist of your choice who engages critically with the concept of fashion and consumer culture. Support yo - Essay Example And it is art through which archeologists calculate the age of a certain ‘lost’ civilization. It has been established so far that paintings are the most ancient and noble form of expression. Though art is unique to each artist but each of them fall in a certain epoch where certain trends were famous. It is important to note that these trends are largely influenced by the socio-cultural, economical and political situation of that particular place. Consider the movement of Renaissance, which took birth in Italy and later spread to the whole Europe and Britain as well. The political turmoil had given birth to a want of perfection, towards change and most importantly to a more meaningful approach of life. Towards the 16th century, the hold of the Church had also grown weak and so people started to interpret the holy book through their own intelligence. This attitude is redundant in the works of Michelangelo. Hence, art and especially fine arts gives a glimpse into the societ y as a whole and also represents the fashion of that age too. For it is impossible to ignore such impacts in the lives of human beings and since artists are sensitive beings, they are prone to changes even by the slightest notion. It may differ that whether the fine artist approves of the fashion and consumer culture or disregards it in his paintings or a sculpture, which thoroughly depends on the nature of that artist but these influences, will find their places in the nooks and crevices of the work of art. Being an artist means that they live a life of their own pattern and standard. It is universally accepted that the artists’ especially fine artists do not have a limit and that artists consider art as their religion. For this very reason, artists from various sects in the society are scorned for their waywardness which for the artist is the way of life. This being established, it can be said that most artists live a life of their own choice and that a 9-5 job cannot bound them. There are various universities in the US where 24 hour studio is available for their fine arts students. However this does not mean that the fine artist can just excel in painting and drawing but there are fields like digital and graphic painting and also art marketing where the fine art students do get white collar jobs. Hence, a clear resolution for their profession cannot be drawn with a mathematical formula. In this paper, Max Ernst’s work in regard to fashion and consumer culture shall be discussed. â€Å"Max Ernst was a German-born Surrealist who helped shape the emergence of Abstract Expressionism in America post-World War II. Armed with an academic understanding of Freud, Ernst often turned to his work-whether sculpture, painting, or collage-as a means of processing his experience in World War I and unpacking his feelings of dispossession in its wake.† (Fiedorek) He is best known for promoting collage and it is noted that before him no other fine artist had esteemed the position of a collage as a form of art. According to him, â€Å"Collage is the noble conquest of the irrational, the coupling of two realities, irreconcilable in appearance, upon a plane which apparently does not suit them.† (Rogers) It is said that a childhood trauma made him see that this world is full of different realities existing at the same time. The trauma was of losing a beloved pet and interestingly his baby sister was born that very night. This left a deep mark on him which is obvious in his works of art as

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Atmospheric Science Essay Example for Free

Atmospheric Science Essay The first being a localised wind shear event caused by rapid cooling and descent of a column of air, the second being the build-up of ice on an aircraft as it flies through certain conditions. Each weather condition is explained in detail, with emphasis on how and why it is dangerous in the context of aviation. Two aircraft crashes, each relating to one of the weather conditions, are analysed and the meteorological factors that led to the crash examined. The official National Transport Safety Board (NTSB) documents are used as a reference. 1. 0 Introduction Meteorological conditions have an obvious influence on aviation and can be extremely hazardous in certain situations. The experience or ability of a pilot can often become irrelevant if the aircraft gets caught in a one of the many dangerous weather phenomena known to cause aviation accidents. Thunderstorms, lightning, wind shear and icing were deemed responsible for downing 4927 general aviation aircraft between 1994-2003 in the USA alone (National Transportation Safety Board, 2004). This report will focus primarily on two weather phenomena; Microbursts (Wet/Dry) and Aircraft Icing. Each meteorological condition will be explained in detail and an example of an aviation accident relating to the two types of weather condition will be analysed. 2. 0 Microburst A microburst is a rapidly descending column of air generally caused by a temperature differential associated with rain clouds. Tetsuya Fujita, a leading weather expert, defines a microburst as ‘affecting an area less then 4km in diameter’, separating a microburst from the more common ‘wind shear’, which generally affects far larger areas. Cool air descends beneath cloud cover, accelerating towards the ground before spreading linearly outward, resulting in localised high wind speeds in a radial pattern, with damage converging on the point of initial contact with the ground (see Figure. 1). For airliners and smaller aircraft alike, microbursts pose a significant threat especially at take-off and landing. Sudden and drastic variance in vertical/horizontal wind speed due to microbursts has been attributed to at least 59 general aviation crashes in the period between 1994 and 2003 (NTSB, 2004). Figure 1: The rapidly moving cold air hits the ground and spreads out horizontally. These phenomena can last anywhere between a few seconds and several minutes. Sudden wind gusts of up to 270km/h have been recorded as a direct result of microbursts. A microburst develops in three distinct phases: 1. Downburst: A body of air underneath a cloud is cooled by precipitation or virga (rain that evaporates before hitting the ground) and begins to descend. This downdraft accelerates and eventually makes contact with the ground. 2. Outburst: Having hit the ground, the air spreads out horizontally, driven by the column of air descending behind it. 3. Cushion: The air that is in contact with the ground begins to slow due to friction while the air above continues to push down and accelerate outward. Microbursts can be further categorized into ‘wet’ and ‘dry’ varieties. A wet microburst is produced as a result of warm and humid air being suddenly cooled. Precipitation or hail cools the column of air through which it is falling, resulting in a downdraft and subsequent outburst of wet air. A wet microburst is partially driven by the downward frictional force of the falling precipitation and therefore relies on a high saturation level in order to form. These microbursts are generally easy to spot as strong shafts of precipitation can be seen hitting the ground and then spreading horizontally. Dry microbursts on the other hand are generally caused by virga underneath high level cumulus clouds with little to no surface precipitation. Moisture in and underneath these clouds cools an otherwise dry and warm column of air to a point where the temperature differential creates enough negative buoyancy to begin the downburst phase. Both wet and dry microbursts depend on mid-level moisture, the adiabatic lapse rate in the sub-cloud layer and relative humidity at ground level (Wakimoto, 985). These variables are complicated to model and forecast, making microbursts extremely difficult to predict. This poses a particular risk to aircraft at lower altitudes as dry microbursts can occur in Visual Meteorological Conditions (VMC) with little to no warning, resulting in loss of control due to sudden crosswind or severe increase/decrease in lift due to either headwind of tailwind (depending on direction of flight relative to the microburst). The smaller scale of microbursts translates to much steeper wind shear gradients and therefore a much more hazardous situation then standard wind shear. 2. 1 Crash Analysis (Dry Microburst) On 24th July 2005 a single-engine Beach N35 was destroyed shortly after take-off from Salt Lake City municipal airport, Utah. All three passengers on board at the time sustained fatal injuries as a result of the crash (NTSB Incident DEN05FA114, 2005). The aircraft was found to be approximately 50kg over normal operating weight, but still within maximum parameters. According to the NTSB investigation, both the pilot and the pilot-rated passenger had checked the local weather briefing from the flight services station, and believing there to be minimal risk, proceeded to attempt take-off. Witnesses in the area reported that the plane took off without incident but stalled during climb approximately 150ft above the ground. The plane then rolled sharply, lost altitude and impacted with terrain within the aerodrome boundary. Autopsy results from the passengers ruled out any edical cause for the crash and mechanical failure was ruled out based on witness reports and examination of the wreckage. At the time of the crash, the local weather briefing included a warning for high level thunderstorms in the area; however weather data confirmed the complete absence of precipitation and minimal wind until the time of the accident. The NTSB report states that conditions were extremely favourable for the formation of dry microbursts, and goes on to state the cra sh was likely caused by ‘a dry microburst from high level thunderstorms in the area’ (NTSB Probable Cause Report DEN05FA114, 2006). Although the conditions did not seem dangerous based on weather briefings and pilot judgement, an unexpected microburst occurred in the area of the aerodrome during take-off. This likely caused a sudden increase in tailwind, stalling the aircraft and resulting in loss of height and eventual collision with the ground (See Figure 2). There is very little the pilot could have done in this situation as there was no real warning of this event occurring. This crash is a prime example of the unpredictability and hazardous nature of microbursts. Figure 2: Impact of microburst on aircraft during take-off. (Cotton, W. R, 2010). 3. 0 Aircraft Icing Icing can be a major issue for aircraft of all sizes/types and according to the NTSB, resulted in 350 general aviation accidents between 1994-2003 (NTSB, 2004). Icing will only occur in specific meteorological conditions where the atmosphere contains droplets of supercooled liquid water which will instantly form ice crystals upon contact with an aircraft. The likelihood of icing is defined quantitatively by the average droplet size, Liquid Water Content (LWC) and local atmospheric temperature. This makes icing conditions fairly straightforward to forecast given adequate weather recording systems in the area. Most aircraft are not rated to fly in known icing conditions and local weather services are obligated to warn against flying into such situations. Icing can occur in a number of ways on an aircraft. The most common is structural icing, where ice crystals form on the exterior surfaces of the aircraft. This can cause a considerable decrease in performance as the ice adds weight and inhibits the flow of air over the wing. Severe icing can also restrict movement of control surfaces and cause a pilot to lose control. Icing can also affect engine performance through carburettor or inlet icing. Icing, accelerated by the venturi effect as humid air enters the air inlet, can impede airflow and restrict the mechanical workings within the carburettor (See Figure 3). Fuel-injected systems, although not directly susceptible to carburettor icing, can still suffer from air intake icing which can slow down or completely block airflow into the engine. This can have a negative impact on engine performance and eventually lead to loss of engine function. Figure 3: Build up of Icing in Induction System (Civil Aviation Authority, 2000) According to the Terry T. Lankford in his book ‘Aircraft Icing: A Pilot’s Guide’ (1999) there are several different types of icing that can occur on an aircraft, all of which have the potential to hamper sustained flight: * Clear Ice: Supercooled liquid droplets strike the aircraft and then slowly freeze into large ice formations that can protrude out from the aircraft. * Rime Ice: Supercooled liquid droplets strike the aircraft and freeze instantly into a thin layer of ice that coats the exterior of the aircraft. Runback Ice: Droplets strike the aircraft and collect in unprotected areas of the aircraft, forming solid areas of ice that can hamper the free movement of control surfaces. * SLD Ice: Super-cooled Large Droplet ice forms when above-average size droplets strike the aircraft and freeze in a similar way to Clear Ice. This icing can occur very quickly and form large ice crystal s anywhere on the aircraft. Icing can be avoided by simply not flying into the meteorological conditions known to produce ice. However, many aircraft manufacturers include anti-icing systems that can be used in-flight in the event of unexpected icing. External surfaces can be heated by routing engine gases through ducts in the structure of the aircraft or via electrical heating. Another method is the use of ‘deicing boots’. These consist of a sealed rubber membrane stretched over the leading edge of a wing, which can inflate pneumatically in flight and break the ice off the aircraft. A more drastic method in some larger aircraft is an anti-icing fluid distribution system, which delivers fluid directly to areas where icing is occurring via tubes and spray nozzles. Within the air inlet, exhaust gases are rerouted or carburettor heat applied to minimise icing. In many aircraft, an alternate air inlet is also available in the event of complete blockage. Extreme icing can contribute to the crash of an aircraft by reducing performance to the point where sustained flight becomes impossible. Structural or carburettor icing, or in some cases a combination of the two, is a dangerous situation for any pilot if the correct actions are not taken to avoid an accident. 3. 1 Crash Analysis (Icing) On 16th of February 2007 a twin-engine Cessna 340A crashed into a snowy mountainside 3nm South-Southeast of Council Bluffs Municipal Airport, Iowa. At the time of the crash Night Instrument Meteorological conditions prevailed in the area. The pilot and three passengers sustained fatal injuries as a result of the crash. NTSB records indicate that the pilot had obtained the local weather briefing, which stated the possibility of ‘moderate icing’ and ‘moderate turbulence’ in the area. This was confirmed by other pilots and witnesses, who had reported icing below 9000ft earlier in the day. The Current Icing Potential (CIP) for the area was recorded as being a ‘70% probability of severe icing between 9000ft and 3000ft’ (NTSB Probable Cause Report CHI07FA073). As such, the aircraft likely encountered severe icing and possibly wind shear on descent, resulting in loss of control and subsequent collision with the ground. The aircraft, a 1977 Cessna 340A, was equipped with inflatable deicing boots to prevent major icing on the leading edge of the wings. However, post-crash analysis of the wreckage reported that the system had either not been deployed or was not functioning correctly during the flight prior to the crash. In this case, the pilot failed to acknowledge the potential for icing and take the proper precautions in conditions that had been determined very likely to produce severe aircraft icing. The accident occurred at night in low visibility conditions, further hampering the pilot’s ability to safely land the aircraft. It is clear that icing is at least partially responsible for the accident, with icing on the external surfaces and air inlets likely contributing to the eventual crash. The accident occurred at night in low visibility conditions, further hampering the pilot’s ability to safely land the aircraft. The accident was probably avoidable if the weather warnings had been acknowledged and the planned rote revised to minimise the risk of icing. 4. 0 Conclusion Both of these meteorological conditions, as well as all other hazardous weather phenomena, can be extremely hazardous if weather warnings are ignored or proper actions taken to minimise risk while flying. In some cases these conditions cannot be accurately predicted, and the responsibility therefore falls onto the pilot to determine whether it is safe to fly in the area.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Imparting or acquiring general knowledge

Imparting or acquiring general knowledge The supposed purpose of education, as marketed by the education industry, is career advancement, higher pay, and empowering a college graduates job search. [However, this should be considered only as] the current personal importance of education (, 2010, para. 2) and the result of being educated for the selfish benefits of the individual instead of the society instead of being the purpose of education. The purpose of education, or of being educated, is more than that. In the past, the purpose of education is to pass on social, cultural and moral values, traditions and religions, and skills to the next generation (Kendall, D., Murray, J. Linden, R., 2004) to ensure the survival of the culture and future generation. Today, education is still widely viewed as a mean to impart knowledge and skills, and to help people develop the ability to make the correct choices and decisions. However, as stated in Confucianism, in order to be truly educated, one must first and foremost be able to learn extensively, enquire accurately, reflect carefully, distinguish clearly and last but not less, practice earnestly (Yao, 2001, p. 212). From this, the purpose of the education can easily be concluded as to create morally upright, knowledgeable, analytical and action-initiative citizens and leaders who are able to contribute to the different aspects social, economical and political of a society. The first aspect of the purpose of education is to instill knowledge in the learners. There are two different kinds of knowledge, the scientific knowledge and the history and cultural knowledge. Scientific knowledge consists of facts and information that are acquired through long tedious process of testing and reviewing before it is accepted and acknowledged by the society ( History and cultural knowledge, on the other hand, are records of past events and ideas that are gained from past experiences (Hoerr, 2007, para. 1). One can only be considered as knowledgeable when one has the combined understanding and awareness of both scientific and history and cultural knowledge. However, equipped with only knowledge, it is not enough for an individual, even only as a follower, to contribute much to the society. Equipped with knowledge, the next aspect of the purpose of education is to nurture these knowledgeable individual to be analytical people. Education does not desire the production of a generation of people whose brain are so packed with only knowledge and the sole ability to memorize and regurgitate facts. With the ability to analyze every piece of knowledge gained from books or experiences and learn from it, one need not have fear when faced with problems and challenges in life as they can be overcome through careful analysis, followed by suitable applications of knowledge and skills. Individuals who are successfully equipped with these two aspects of the purpose of education will be able to think out of the box and contribute to the society economically or even politically. With the rise of countries like China and India who have an abundance of cheap labour, Singapore can no longer compete effectively in the labour-intensive manufacturing market. As quoted by Alvin Toffler (1990), The most important economic development of our lifetime has been the rise of a new system for creating wealth, based on longer on muscle but on mind. (p. 9). To ensure its survival, Singapore shifted its focus to working towards a knowledge-based society which calls for creative and critical thinking skills. The change from a labour-intensive industry to a service-driven market affects the demand for education, the uses put to education, and the demands made on education for tailoring the workforce to those demands. (Riddell, 1996, p. 1363). In other words, this change calls for more independent learning, creativity and innovations. Hence, the Teach Less, Learn More1 scheme (TLLM) that is started in 2006 under the Thinking School, Learning Nation2 (TSLN) vision is implemented in the Singapore education system to fulfill the first two aspects of the purpose of education. Teach Less, Learn More is about teaching better to engage the learners and prepare them for life, rather than teaching more for tests and examinations (MOE). It builds on the foundation laid in place under the TSLN vision and the spirit of Innovation and Enterprise3 (IE). The relationship between TSLN, IE and TLLM can be seen in the Figure 1 (taken from MOE website) below. Figure 1: Chart showing the relationship between TSLN, IE and TLLM Figure 1: Chart showing the relationship between TSLN, IE and TLLM TLLM aims to help learners broadened their scope of knowledge, other than the ones needed to score well in tests and examinations, and also encourage learners to be analytical as it is no longer about memorizing and regurgitating facts and data. While IE also encourages learners to be analytic, its main aim is to promote the willingness to try new and untested routes without fear of failure and produces leaders who are prepared to be flexible, to multitask, to take responsibility and to inspire teams and organizations to take leaps of innovation (MOE). As quoted by Riddell, he believes that the most important skill that education can inculcate in the learner is flexibility (1996). This leads to the third aspects of the purpose of education which is to cultivate leadership, initiative and flexibility in the individual. This is to ensure that there will always be a group of leaders that is willing to take the first step out and lead the rest of the society towards success in the uncertain future by being flexible and open to new untested ideas when travelling the road to victory. These three aspects of the purpose of education will of course have several implications on the teachers and students in Singapore. Teachers have to be innovative in teaching so as to make sure that learning was meaningful and enjoyable to the students (Ho, 2009) and effectively encourage self-directed learning in all students. This means that there should be less dependence on drill, practice and rote learning (MOE). Thus, the role of a teacher should be that of a mentor, facilitator and model instead of being someone who only do teacher talk and lecturing (MOE). Teachers are also required to be prepared in curriculum development, research and pedagogical skills by attending workshops on curriculum development and various pedagogies, and with the establishment of the Research Activist Scheme, teachers can learn more on research methodologies (Ho, 2009). All these preparation and learning is to ensure that teachers are able to recognize and cater better to students unique and differi ng learning needs. For the students, they will no longer to be spoon-fed by the teachers. This calls for self-directed and self-motivated learning which is in tune with the Desired Outcomes of Education. Students now have to take up the mantle of being a self-directed learner who takes responsibility for his own learning, who questions, reflects and perseveres in the pursuit of learning (MOE) and an active contributor who is able to work effectively in teams, exercises initiative, takes calculated risks, is innovative and strives for excellence (MOE). Furthermore, as syllabuses will be trimmed, students will have more time and energy to focus on core knowledge and skills (MOE) or even to widen their scope of knowledge. Students will also be required to know how to apply their knowledge to solve or overcome the problems and challenges presented to them. Merely memorizing and regurgitating knowledge will not be enough to score well. An example of this Problem-Based Learning will be the Project Work4 intr oduced into the Junior College syllabus to encourage knowledge analysis and applications. The above three aspects of education may successfully mold a generation of globally competitive citizens much sought after by the global market but it does not automatically ensure that these capable people would not use their intelligence to create trouble for the society or even just abandon their homeland to pursuit a high-flying career. As Teo said, Of what use is the education system if it produces smart crooks or selfish individualists who feel no obligation to society, or loyalty to nation? Education must imbue the next generation with the right value system. Through values education, we must develop future citizens with upright character who can contribute to their community. We must also inculcate in our young a deep sense of bonding to the nation, so that they will be prepared to stay and fight in times of adversity. (1998). This leads us to the last and most important aspect of the purpose of education which is to create morally upright individuals that is devoted to serving and contributing to their country. As values are a set of social norms that guides the actions of an individual and the society, values education is thus used as a mean to instill a sense of morality in the learners. Values à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ are either innate or acquired. Innate values are [the] inborn divine virtues such as love, peace, happiness, mercy and compassion as well as the positive moral qualities such as respect, humility, tolerance, responsibility, cooperation, honesty and simplicity. Acquired values are those external values adopted at [ones] place of birth or place of growth and are influenced by the à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ environment. (Reddy). Hence, values education consists of character education, which builds on the innate values, and the national education, which can be considered as a part of the acquired values as it is influenced by the government of the country. Character education ensures that the individual will abide by the law and protect the peace and harmony of the society through social and emotional learning, moral reasoning/cognitive development, life skills education, health education; violence prevention, critical thinking, ethical reasoning, and conflict resolution and mediation (Lickona, 1998). The well-being of the society and the health and benefits of the other individuals will be made certain. National education seeks to inculcate national loyalty and a sense of belongingness in the learners. This is vital in the economic and social development of a society as the survival of a country depends heavily on the contributions of its citizens be it working to keep ones country ahead of others in the global market or being the next educator to the future generations. In Singapore context, values education takes the form of the curriculum subject Civics and Moral Education5 (CME), National Education6 (NE) initiatives (2008) and Social Studies7. Especially at the edge of the 21st century and with the spread of globalization, students are more likely to exhibits traits like materialism and unhealthy consumerism which may have severe economic repercussions in the future for a resource-limited small country like Singapore (2008). The job of the teacher in this case would be to instill a sense of thriftiness in these students and at the same time. During these lessons, instead of merely preaching about good governance, teachers should allow the students to identify the pros and cons of certain policies like the implementation of the Central Provident Fund7 (CPF) or the Electronic Road Pricing8 (ERP) and get them to see the need for these policies in the perspective of the government so as to [foster] social cohesion and rootedness to Singapore. Moreove r, instead of merely droning on and on about the moral issues and values that arises in Singapores society, teachers can attempt to interest the students by getting them to think critically about these issues and draw up possible solutions. To successfully engage students in values education, teachers themselves should play an active role in imparting the values to the students and not use the NE or CME classroom period[s] à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ for revision of other academic subjects (2008). Students should not study Social Studies for the sake of scoring well in the compulsory and examinable subject. Values should be learn and taken away to be applied in the later part of their life when they step into the society of virtues and vices. In conclusion, in order for a country or society to flourish, it is crucial that the educational policies implemented by the country leaders must be in line with the purpose of education. This is especially significant when a nation wants to prepare and equip its citizens with the necessary tools to combat the challenges of globalization. Education in the 21st century will be flexible, creative, challenging, and complex as it addresses the many issues that will arise from the rapid evolution of the world (21st Century Schools, 2008, para. 3) but there should also be a greater emphasis of values education so as to counteract any undesirable traits that are bound to show up in the whirlwind of seemingly impossible changes. The future of Singapore rests in the hands of its future citizens; hence the education of todays youth must not be taken lightly.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

High Stakes Testing Essay -- Education School Standardized Tests Essay

High Stakes Testing Albert Einstein once stated, â€Å"not everything that counts can be counted and not everything that can be counted counts.† High-stakes testing attempts to determine the knowledge a person has obtained throughout grades K-12. These standardized tests are being used to judge a person’s ability to graduate from high school and also judge if a child has enough knowledge to proceed to the next grade level. Throughout this paper, I will be discussing how these tests do not accurately portray one’s intelligence, how they have increased drop out rates, and also show the damaging psychological affects they have had. High stakes testing does not accurately determine a student’s intelligence. In 1999, the National Academy of Sciences researched the appropriate and inappropriate uses of tests. They agreed that â€Å"no single test score can be considered a definitive measure of a student’s knowledge†( To use these standardized tests to decide if a person has earned his/her diploma is unreasonable, and they have been proven ineffective. The Alliance for Childhood states that, â€Å"the use of standardized tests as the sole measure of whether students are promoted, are placed in low-track classes, or will graduate from high school is condemned as insupportable by every professional testing organization.†(alliance). In Arizona, the AIMS (Arizona’s Instrument to Measure Standards) test will soon be used in this way; high school seniors in the year 2008 must pass this test to graduate. A study prepared by the Arizona Standards organization states that, â€Å"the Arizona AIMS test, if implemented today, would fail between 50% and 75% of all high s... ... Standards (AIMS). Arizona Department of Education. Retrieved October 24, 2002 from the World Wide Web: standards/aims/PerformanceStandards/performancelevels.asp 2. Testing and Grade Retention. Retrieved October 24, 2002 from the World Wide Web: 3. High Stakes Testing Position Statement. Alliance for Childhood. Retrieved October 24, 2002 from the World Wide Web: 4. Haney, Walt. The Myth of the Texas Miracle in Education. Retrieved October 24, 2002 from the World Wide Web: 5. What’s Wrong With High Stakes Testing in General and Aims in Particular? Retrieved October 24, 2002 from the World Wide Web: High Stakes Testing Essay -- Education School Standardized Tests Essay High Stakes Testing Albert Einstein once stated, â€Å"not everything that counts can be counted and not everything that can be counted counts.† High-stakes testing attempts to determine the knowledge a person has obtained throughout grades K-12. These standardized tests are being used to judge a person’s ability to graduate from high school and also judge if a child has enough knowledge to proceed to the next grade level. Throughout this paper, I will be discussing how these tests do not accurately portray one’s intelligence, how they have increased drop out rates, and also show the damaging psychological affects they have had. High stakes testing does not accurately determine a student’s intelligence. In 1999, the National Academy of Sciences researched the appropriate and inappropriate uses of tests. They agreed that â€Å"no single test score can be considered a definitive measure of a student’s knowledge†( To use these standardized tests to decide if a person has earned his/her diploma is unreasonable, and they have been proven ineffective. The Alliance for Childhood states that, â€Å"the use of standardized tests as the sole measure of whether students are promoted, are placed in low-track classes, or will graduate from high school is condemned as insupportable by every professional testing organization.†(alliance). In Arizona, the AIMS (Arizona’s Instrument to Measure Standards) test will soon be used in this way; high school seniors in the year 2008 must pass this test to graduate. A study prepared by the Arizona Standards organization states that, â€Å"the Arizona AIMS test, if implemented today, would fail between 50% and 75% of all high s... ... Standards (AIMS). Arizona Department of Education. Retrieved October 24, 2002 from the World Wide Web: standards/aims/PerformanceStandards/performancelevels.asp 2. Testing and Grade Retention. Retrieved October 24, 2002 from the World Wide Web: 3. High Stakes Testing Position Statement. Alliance for Childhood. Retrieved October 24, 2002 from the World Wide Web: 4. Haney, Walt. The Myth of the Texas Miracle in Education. Retrieved October 24, 2002 from the World Wide Web: 5. What’s Wrong With High Stakes Testing in General and Aims in Particular? Retrieved October 24, 2002 from the World Wide Web:

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Comparing Abortion in Morrisons Beloved and in America Today :: comparison compare contrast essays

Abortion in Morrison's Beloved and in America Today      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In the novel Beloved by Toni Morrison, the main character, Sethe, commits a crime unthinkable and incomprehensible to most people today.   She murders her own child, her own flesh and blood.   The institution of slavery drove Sethe to make this drastic decision.   Comparing the situations of slavery to today's society is impossible.   Yet, we still see mothers killing babies (or fetuses).   The issue of abortion has been a constant in our society for years.   Is the emotional struggle to kill a baby made out of love or selfishness?      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The cruelties of slavery from which Sethe plans to save her children are manifold in Beloved.   Sethe was living in a time completely different from our own.   She and other slaves experienced things that none of us could ever imagine; having breast milk stolen from her own body, being whipped by a chokecherry tree to the point of leaving permanent scars.   Other cruelties for Sethe are to know that her friends were hurt.   Sixo was roasted alive and Paul A hung.   Paul D is locked onto a chain for eighty-three days in a prison camp in Georgia.   These pains for her friends can be just as painful for Sethe.   All in all the life of a slave is dehumanizing.   Constant hiding and being on the run plays tricks on the mind of slaves.   Shown by Paul D in his most discouraging conflict comes in contact with a rooster, Mister.   Humiliated by the fact that an animal was walking around with more power, he doesn't understand how an animal can have a better life, and place judgement on a human.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   During the time of slavery the love between a mother and her children dims.   Through scars mothers and children were to have secret relationships.   In Sethe's only memory of her mother she was introduced to a scar underneath her breast which could always identify her mother.   After her mother was hung, Sethe did examine her corpse, but was unable to locate the symbol on the decaying flesh.   Imagining how these images design a psyche for a child, this memory would bruise them for eternity.   These morbid rememories for Sethe are reminders for her that she is living in an

Flagstaff, Arizona :: Flagstaff Personal Narratives Essays

Flagstaff, Arizona Could a town really change me as much as I think? Flagstaff, Arizona is one of the coolest towns that I have ever been, but at the same time; one of the quirkiest. Is Flagstaff a small mountain town, a big city, a hip university town, or a large industrial center? The environment and culture of Flagstaff is extremely diverse, making it difficult for outsiders to find their place in Flagstaff. I often wonder how I ended up in this little town in the mountains. I came from a relatively large city in Indiana, but knew that I had to escape the Midwest’s conservative grasp. I never really intended to end up in Flagstaff. For as long as I can remember, I had wanted to go to the University of Arizona and live in Tucson. I obviously didn’t end up in Tucson. From the first time that I visited Flagstaff, I knew that this town was special. Perhaps it holds more draw for outsiders than locals, but its environment and culture has definitely drawn me in, changed me, and changed my life. When I decided to attend Northern Arizona University and be a Lumberjack, it was initially due to its reputation as the best teachers college in Arizona, but ironically, I have never been an education major, or taken any education courses. Education was an overcrowded field, so I entertained the idea of being a Computer Science major. Ha! That lasted less than a month before I knew that was going to fail. Early on the path towards graduation, I still held a primarily etic point of view of Flagstaff. For about the first two years in Flagstaff, I viewed Flagstaff as a cool town, but still considered Indiana to be my home. I either didn’t realize or wasn’t allowing myself to become a part of this town. Once I realized that I was part of this town, my notion of Flagstaff changed, and the town began to change me. As I began to understand how this town ticks I wanted to find a way to become a bigger part of this town. I understood that this town was heavily reliant on tourism for it economy. This is how I came to be a Parks and Recreation Management major. Flagstaff, Arizona :: Flagstaff Personal Narratives Essays Flagstaff, Arizona Could a town really change me as much as I think? Flagstaff, Arizona is one of the coolest towns that I have ever been, but at the same time; one of the quirkiest. Is Flagstaff a small mountain town, a big city, a hip university town, or a large industrial center? The environment and culture of Flagstaff is extremely diverse, making it difficult for outsiders to find their place in Flagstaff. I often wonder how I ended up in this little town in the mountains. I came from a relatively large city in Indiana, but knew that I had to escape the Midwest’s conservative grasp. I never really intended to end up in Flagstaff. For as long as I can remember, I had wanted to go to the University of Arizona and live in Tucson. I obviously didn’t end up in Tucson. From the first time that I visited Flagstaff, I knew that this town was special. Perhaps it holds more draw for outsiders than locals, but its environment and culture has definitely drawn me in, changed me, and changed my life. When I decided to attend Northern Arizona University and be a Lumberjack, it was initially due to its reputation as the best teachers college in Arizona, but ironically, I have never been an education major, or taken any education courses. Education was an overcrowded field, so I entertained the idea of being a Computer Science major. Ha! That lasted less than a month before I knew that was going to fail. Early on the path towards graduation, I still held a primarily etic point of view of Flagstaff. For about the first two years in Flagstaff, I viewed Flagstaff as a cool town, but still considered Indiana to be my home. I either didn’t realize or wasn’t allowing myself to become a part of this town. Once I realized that I was part of this town, my notion of Flagstaff changed, and the town began to change me. As I began to understand how this town ticks I wanted to find a way to become a bigger part of this town. I understood that this town was heavily reliant on tourism for it economy. This is how I came to be a Parks and Recreation Management major.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Explain the reasons for the fall of the Romanovs

Explain the reasons for the fall of the Romanovs The cause of the fall of the Romanov dynasty in 1917 was a result of long-term causes including Tsar Alexander's inability to satisfy his people and Tsar Nicholas II's inability to rule to throne all together. The Bloody Sunday event, the war with Germany, Rasputin and Tsars bad decisions was also some of the causes which led the Romanovs to fall. It all began in 1894 when Alexander Ill, died leaving his son Nicholas II to become the tsar of Russia at the age of 26. Nicholas was married toAlexander the princess of Germany which they had 5 children, 4 girls and a boy. The only son Alexis was born with hemophilia. Russia was a huge country with millions of extremely poor farming peasants. These peasants lived horrible lives, many were starting to wonder why the tsar had all the wealth and they had none. In 1905 Russian Revolution was sparked off by a peaceful protest held on January 22nd. Thousands of demonstrators such as students, fact ory workers, revolutionaries, doctors and teachers marched through the cold and snow covered streets of StPetersburg to Winter Palace to protest about their lifestyle, led by a Russian Orthodox priest, Father Gapon. When the peaceful protestors arrived they were confronted by troops, which they fired on the crowd. After the firing had finished several hundred protestors lay dead, this event was called ‘Bloody Sunday. In 1907 Nicholas and Alexander had asked a priest called Gregory yefimovich also known as ‘Rasputin', to help pray and care for their son Alexis when he became sick. He was the representation of everything that was wrong in the Russian autocracy, corrupt, and rrational.He was also considered an alcoholic, dirty charlatan who held control over millions of people's lives, even though Russia had a fairly capable bureaucracy and thousands of well-educated, highly cultured nobles who were interested in local government and the rule of law. In 1914 Russia had ente red in WWI, repairing the division between the tsar and his people. Russia was not welled prepared, they still wasn't industrialized. They were fighting with swords, cannons, and horses against machine guns.It was very difficult to get medicine, ammunition, and even food to the ront of the armies because railways were incomplete and Just stopped before reaching their supposed destination, the result caused many soldiers to starve. During this war Russia had lost over one million people as casualties and POW's. Militarily, it wasn't going too bad until in 191 5 Nicholas had decided to take control of the army himself. It was Rasputin's and Alexandra's advice that caused Nicholas to take personal control of the Russian Army, which wasn't a good idea as he had no military strategic training.He travelled to the army headquarters in Mogilev, 500km way from Petrograd which led to Tsar Wife Alexander in charge while he was away at war. This caused stir between tsar and his people due to ts ar not using the money to help the poor but spending all their money on war. The Germans ended up overthrowing the Russians that people started to think Nikolas and Alexandra were German spies who were sabotaging the war effort. In conclusion the fall of where all peasants marched peacefully but concluded with many deaths, Rasputin and how he convinced tsar to do things, and the tsar bad decision associated also with WW1 against Germany.

Monday, September 16, 2019

The movie Josie and the Pussycats

Attention Getter: Has anyone here seen the movie Josie and the Pussycats from 2001? It’s okay if you haven’t, I don’t blame you. Relate to Audience: Behind all the superb acting and catchy music, however, lies a highly controversial and interesting topic. That would be subliminal messaging, and that’s what I’ll be talking to you about today. Thesis: Subliminal messaging has been a controversial method of manipulation for years. Preview: I will talk about the different forms of subliminal messages, I’ll tell you about how influential they can be, and I will describe some of the most controversial examples throughout history. Transition: So let’s start by exploring the types of subliminal messages. Body I. MP1: Subliminal messages can be either audio or visual. According to Webster’s dictionary, the word â€Å"subliminal† is defined as â€Å"existing or functioning below the threshold of consciousness†. Basically, this means that your body can sense a subliminal message but it won’t be transferred into consciousness; it’s sensation without perception. Audio subliminal messages can be achieved by hiding the message at a volume too low to pick up. Other sounds are played above these messages to mask their identity. Another more famous form of audio subliminal messaging is known as â€Å"backmasking†. It often involves music that, when played backward, sends a different message than when played forward. This form of subliminal message was responsible for a wave of hysteria beginning in the 1970s as the media claimed that numerous songs hid satanic messages behind their lyrics. On the other hand, there are visual subliminal messages. These can take a couple different forms as well. An image (generally a word) can be quickly flashed and taken away before the subject can consciously perceive what it says. The image is often flashed repeatedly at this rapid pace through something like a commercial. Subliminal images can also be present as a part of other images. An example of this would be a word clearly spelled out in the clouds on an advertisement or details of a picture that suggest something else. Transition: Now that you know the basics of subliminal messaging, let’s explore how they’re used. II. MP2: MISSING An April 2010 New York Times article provides an interesting example. â€Å"New York State's health commissioner†¦ Dr. Richard F. Daines, was recently driving down Interstate 15 in Utah, his home state, when he came across four billboards in a row that beamed a subliminal message at him, and not the one the advertisers intended. † The repetitive billboards contained phrases that subliminally suggested a healthier lifestyle rather than the consumption of the soda it advertised. As with any subliminal message, there is no telling how it will affect the subject. In the Handbook of Consumer Psychology from 2009, Haugtvedt et. al state, â€Å"Subliminal advertising is, at best, a very weak force. However, there is evidence that subliminally presented stimuli can influence behavior and cognition. † It just may not be the intended behavior. Transition: Now that we have seen how subliminal messages can be used, let’s examine a few famous cases. III. MP3: The most controversial cases of subliminal messaging surround the fields of politics and music. George Bush’s 2000 political campaign was under scrutiny for displaying the word â€Å"RATS† while talking about one of Al Gore’s plans. The ad said â€Å"bureaucrats†, but these four letters flashed on the screen independently, creating an uproar. It was written off as a mere coincidence by the creator of the ad, but was taken off of television nonetheless. Heavy metal music is often scrutinized as a source of violence in adolescents, but the 1990 case of young James Vance and Raymond Belknap suggested it influenced suicide as well. According to Philips and Cogan of the 2009 Encyclopedia of Heavy Metal Music, â€Å"subliminal messages in the song â€Å"Better by You, Better Than Me† [by Judas Priest] †¦ allegedly had influenced the victims' actions† to commit suicide. The case was eventually dropped, but its impact was great. Signal Conclusion: As you have seen, subliminal messaging has been a controversial method of manipulation for years. Summary: I talked about the different forms of subliminal messaging. I also discussed how influential they can be. I followed up with some examples that have created controversy in recent years. Lasting thought: I hope you’ve enjoyed getting to know a little bit more about a topic that really interests me. You’re now free to go play all your music backwards and see what really happens†¦ Questions (15 POINTS) Does the preview adequately map out the main points covered in the speech and is it in the right format? 2 points) I think it does a decent job at mapping out the main points. The second point could use some work, she says it’s about how influential subliminal messages are, then in the paragraph quotes a psychology book that says they are â€Å"†¦ at best, a very weak force†¦ †, and in the transition she says it’s a bout how they are used. A little confusing. Also, for your class, it’s missing signposts. Does the summary adequately review the main points covered in the speech and is it in the right format? (2 points) Same as in the preview, not sure about point two. Other than that it looks good. Also, signposts again. Does the speaker include smooth transitions between all of the MPs? (2 points) Yes. Except point the transition into MP2, to me the paragraph is really about when subliminal messages gone wrong; to make that clear she could say, â€Å"Now that you know the basics of subliminal messaging, let’s explore how not to use them. † At least one MP is missing a clear MP sentence. Write a MP sentence for that section. (4 points) MP2: In advertising, subliminal messages are often a disaster. Overall, what is your assessment of the organization of this speech (be concrete in your answer). (5 points) Overall, the speech is well organized. Main point two is the only area of the speech that really needs work. Though the information in the paragraph is interesting, her point is unclear. I would switch sub-point one and two. Also, take out the second quote, as it can be easily paraphrased, and add in details of what the billboards actually say, that way it makes sense to the listener. Possibly something like this: II. MP2: In advertising, subliminal messages are often a disaster. In the Handbook of Consumer Psychology from 2009, Haugtvedt et. al stated, â€Å"Subliminal advertising is, at best, a very weak force. However, there is evidence that subliminally presented stimuli can influence behavior and cognition. † The problem with these messages is that it is difficult to tell how it will affect the subject. Sometimes subliminal messages effect the viewer in the opposite way that the advertiser intended it to. An April 2010 New York Times article describes an instance where several billboards for a soda company suggested that viewers should choose a healthier lifestyle, rather than consuming their soda. (fill in with actual content of the ad) (The advertiser intended the message to be†¦ however to some it was perceived as†¦ As shown in this example, subliminal messages are not the best choice when promoting a product. Transition: Now that we have seen how subliminal messages can be misused, let’s examine how they can be successfully used (at least to stir up controversy. ) III. MP3: The most famous cases of subliminal messaging surround the fields of politics and music. Extra Credit (3 POINTS) Explain the difference between a prelim outline, a full sentence outline, and a keyword outline. A prelim outline is the base of a full sentence outline, it has a thesis, transitions, main points, a few sub-points and a conclusion. Add more detail, more sub-points, an attention getter and a lasting thought and you have your full sentence outline. The full sentence outline should be written in complete sentences and include everything you plan to discuss in the speech. The keyword outline is what you take up with you when you give the speech. I should contain no full sentences, besides the thesis and quotes and statistics that need to be worded in a specific way. It should only include a few words per line that can help you stay on track if you get lost during your speech.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Regulatory Bodies with Roles in Accounting Essay

IRS (Internal Revenue Service): It is the oldest in the United States regulatory body also called the internal revenue service or IRS. The main goal of IRS is to manage and implement the internal revenue law. Their responsibility is to help individuals to understand their tax obligations as well as to tax collection. SEC (Security and Exchange Commission): SEC also called the Securities and Exchange Commission. Their main objective is to protect investors, maintains the Integrity of the market and facilitates capital formation. The SEC also ensures that public companies follow the rules and regulations set by the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles or GAAP. Financial Accounting Foundation (FAF): Their responsibility is to establish and improve financial accounting, the administration and finances of the financial accounting of its standard-setting board, the financial accounting standards advisory council, the governmental accounting standards board or better known as GASB and their advisory council. Standards of non-government financial accounting and reporting like not-for-profit organizations are examined by FASB (Financial Accounting Standard Board). The GASB was formed to establish accepted accounting principles for state and local government. It was also established to examine the image of FASB on the state and local levels. FASAB (Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board): The FASAB was established in 1973 with the purpose to create and improve standards of financial accounting and reporting by nongovernmental entities that provides information to investors and other users of financial reports. The IASB (International Accounting Standards Board) is established to develop accounting standards through an international consultation process. This is done with representatives from countries all over the world to ensure the quality and feasibility of the financial reports. The PCAOB (Public Company Accounting Oversight Board) was created through the development of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 to protect investors and their investments from the auditors of public traded companies. ACIPA (American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.): It is the last major regulatory body and its function is to create the standards for accounting and reporting. The standards are set by working with the FASB, assisting the FASB in enforcing the standards, and assisting them with their technical support.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

The Copper

Gavin cares about his Job. He sees the importance of the existence and enforcements of laws. Caring about a job and feeling important helps the employee perform better. He has also learned the techniques to distance himself from the Job and how to be efficient while on the clock (1. 71-80). Those cartel's makes a good employee Ana a good cop. By long so Gavin Decodes ten right person for the Job. B. Children all around the world is raised differently. With the different cultures that exist, will there automatically occur different viewpoints on how to raise children proper.Some believe in non-violent negotiations and treating their children like young adults instead of kids. Others believe in the strength of corporal punishment and fear. I have never been laid a hand on by my parents. Together with their guidance I have figured out what I believe is right and wrong. I respect my parents, but not out of fear. My upraise and relationship with my parents would have been very different, if I had been raised with corporal punishment. I assume I would do what was expected of me, but without thinking for myself.Ata certain age parents can no longer control their children by corporal punishment. The children will not have learned considering responsibility for others than themselves. They have not matured in the same way, as if they had been forced to think like adults from the beginning. Besides the level of maturity, do I don't believe in corporal punishment. I don't understand parents, who need to smack their children to teach them a lesson. Why not reason with their children instead and make them see what's right and wrong and avoid having a bad conscience (if you get such).In school I don't believe n corporal punishment either, but in treating the students with respects or like young adults, if their age is more advanced. The school systems have an important job besides educating the children. They also have to discipline them. They teach how to interact in a soci ety and to follow rules and norms. In the school, as like the rest of the world, a child is not irreplaceable, like it is to the parents. This makes it possible to teach the children things, that wouldn't be possible inside the four walls at home. My way of thinking is classic Scandinavian.In other countries were corporal enmeshment is common, would complete different arguments come up. They would argument that children needs the discipline to get most out of school and that they haven't yet age enough to be treated like adults. Until that point would they need a strict seed of rules. But in a fast moving society like today's, criteria are constantly changing. Children are forced to take initiative, to grow up fast and get a sense of what kind of person they want to become. An upraise with corporal punishment is becoming out aged, and will not sooner or later no longer be able to keep up with the time.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Legislation and ethics report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Legislation and ethics report - Essay Example There’s even the freckled duck enclosure which is one of the world’s rarest ducks. Given the educational and social experience that the student will experience they will have closer understanding and appreciation of what they have always learnt in class because they will have real life experience of practically interacting with what they have always learnt in class. The focus of excursions is to give learning as well as social experience to the students through interactions with nature and other practical aspects that make the students comprehend more at the work place. Walking along the trails is very educational for the children as they get to explore and learn things that they might just see in books. E.g. live birds and reptiles. Watching animals and birds will make the children comprehend things that they have always seen in books. Through such experience, the students will have better understanding of the aspects through real life experience. On the same note, social welfare of the children would be enhanced through the interactions that the opportunity would accord them as they interact amongst themselves as well as with the adults that accompany them. The ratios between children and adult will be 3: 1. There will be 5 adults coming along; 3 teachers and 2 volunteers. It is always better to have more adults and be able to care for all the children than to have more children and fewer adults. We will be hiring a bus. Children will board the bus from the centre and arrive straight to Hunter Wetlands. They will not be crossing a pedestrian or a set of traffic lights. In course of the journey, there will management that will ensure that the seating capacity stated in the compliance plate is not exceeded. On the same note, the adults who accompany the children will ensure that the children will remain seated all through the journey and that they will be seated near an adult persons

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Business Change Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Business Change Management - Essay Example Perhaps the space between the new organization design and implementing it into actuality is the whole coverage of organization change and development. People are adaptive to change. However, certain skills must be present from the initiators of change so as to successfully implement their project. Thus, managers need to have the necessary abilities not only in detecting what needs to be changed but also how to introduce the change effectively. According to Moran and Avergun (1997) "Change consists of a series of closer and closer approximation of increasingly ambiguous goals which are embraced by more and more members of the organization. For this reason, change often seems endless and confusing. Often those involved in the change process feel overwhelmed and powerless." This paper provides discussion of how change can be managed in order to avoid people from feeling overwhelmed and powerless. Arguments that claim differing statements regarding this notion of change management are likewise presented through the use of management concepts and theories that are relevant to the discussion. As such, the paper provides the (a) definition and importance of change management, (b) strategic implementation of change management, and (c) means and ways of coping and adapting effectively to changes in the management within the organization. Finally, a conclusion summarizing the highlights of the discussion and the reflexive analysis of the author is presented. Change Management Definition and importance. Change management is basically defined as the formulation and assimilation of change in a methodical process. The major objective of change management is the introduction of innovative means and systems in the work organization. Businesses must normally undergo change in order to evolve to a higher level of for instance, stability, management or production. Appointing a new head officer, for example, can greatly enhance his subordinates based on his management principles and personality. Adding a new member in the organization or reconstructing an old company program are called smaller versions of change and are significantly different from that of change management. The scope of organizational change is much wider as compared to minor company changes. This may include changing the company's mission, reforming business operations, application of new technologies, major group efforts, or adoption of new programs. Usually, the organization is encouraged on settling on change management due to external influences, usually termed as the environment (Nickols, 2004). Thus, change management can alternately be defined as the response of different business to changes brought about by environmental influences in which organizations have minimal or absolutely no control over. Organizational change is part of and a result of struggles between contradictory forces, also change management practice is related with endeavoring to manage their competing demands. To understand why and how to change organizations, it is first necessary to understand their structures, management and behaviour. According to Burnes (1996) these systems of ideas are crucial to change managemen

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Recieving and storing (report) Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Recieving and storing (report) - Assignment Example In understanding these areas, the study selected a small restaurant which is located in Toronto. The restaurant is a small-scale one and deals with mostly fast foods, which are consumed on a continuous basis by the locals. The restaurant is called stockyards smokehouse and larder. The study will attempt to provide a detailed analysis of the kind of activities which the restaurant is undertaking through information that has been obtained from the management as well as the means through which the business could be improved specifically on its receiving as well as storage procedures. The management together with the supplier of the restaurant has cash on delivery agreement as regards to the reception of the deliveries. Upon arriving with the products at the restaurant, the supplier drops off the products at the back of the restaurant at midday mostly. Reception of these food deliveries is usually by the person washing the dishes or the morning cook who on most does not verify on either the quality or quantity of the products. Deliveries of aprons and rags are made on Tuesday and Friday (Ghiani, 2007).. Duration of the deliveries is usually approximately 1 to 2 minutes and at most is 5 minutes. New products such as rags and pop are received on Tuesday and Wednesday respectively, while dry items for storage such as napkins, boxes and condiments are received on Saturday. Major challenges during reception of the deliveries include reception of goods at a busy time, unavailability of staff to countercheck the quality as well as the quantity of delivery and also limit ed space to store the items delivered. The restaurant uses different storage items for storage of different products with different characteristics. The storage items include walk-in-fridges, smoker freezers, and larder. These storage materials are not adequate and as a result, the restaurant requires additional storage space for refrigeration in order to

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Court Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Court Paper - Essay Example During the day of the court hearing, I had the opportunity to encounter various events and activities, as well as actions, which were vital in understanding the direction of the case. I arrived at the venue 30 minutes before the session or trial. I had the opportunity to accompany other people I met at the entrance to the public lounge within the courtroom. Every person was all seated until nine in the morning when the judge made an entrance. During this time, everyone was up on his or her feet as a show of respect to the position of the judge. The judge gave the permission for everyone to have a seat prior to the introduction of the case and provision of permission to the prosecutor to continue with the case. Another critical action, which was essential during this encounter, was the tendency by the prosecutor to call witnesses one by one with the intention of submitting evidence to establish or refute the offense. The prosecutor had the ability and potentiality, as well as the righ t to first question each witness prior to cross-examination by the defense. These events are essential in describing or illustration of the trial as one of the litigation processes of the course. During this court visit, I was able to see the paralegals in association with the case. The existing paralegals in the case were in the form of lawyers representing the defendant and victim during this civil case. The paralegals focused on working or providing legal services in relation to the legal work under an attorney and subsequent law firms.

Monday, September 9, 2019

How ERP Can Help Companies Become Lean Coursework

How ERP Can Help Companies Become Lean - Coursework Example In the current economic climate, there is cut-throat competition and a rat race has emerged to capture and retain a large customer base. The larger a firm’s customer base, the stronger it shall become. A firm’s customers are its most valuable asset, as they are the ones who spread positive word of mouth if the company is delivering good value and this in turn drives demand and subsequently the growth of an organization. Firms nowadays recognize the importance of delivering ‘customer delight’ more than ever before and this has led a change in their business strategies whereby companies are striving to eliminate as many costs as possible and streamline their business processes in order to provide better service at lower costs and pass this benefit down to their customers. Availability of information, or rather the lack of it, is often cited as one of the main reasons why delays occur in business processes and often results in two or more departments doing sim ilar paperwork thus duplicating the work, something which is totally unnecessary and only consumes more time and money than necessary. An ERP system in this case shall be an ideal addition to the company’s resources as it makes available information across all functional departments thus ensuring transparency and availability of information at all times. ... fers and are adopting measures to integrate this system into their operations or, in case of those using older computer systems, migrate to the newer ERP platform. The proponents of Lean have recognized that ERP can help organizations achieve the objective of becoming lean. The five basic principles that form the basis of the idea of Lean - value definition and specification, value stream mapping, uninterrupted flow, customer pull and the pursuit of perfection - are â€Å"all supported and enhanced by comprehensive information control and management tools that an end-to-end enterprise software suite delivers.† How an ERP system streamlines a company’s business processes An ERP system can help a company move towards a lean structure in many ways. These include helping reduce waste, moving towards continuous improvement, exploiting and satisfying sales and customer service opportunities, keeping suppliers and production up-to-date with the use of order less manufacturing and Kanban and creating an environment of perfect information and collaboration. Waste Reduction An ERP system, if implemented, becomes the main information carrying artery of a company, carrying data pertaining do day-to-day activities, measuring progress and using metrics to identify opportunities where a company can improve its processes. Some ERP systems also allow companies to conduct ‘What-If’ analyses and help determine activities that have the quickest payback times. A transparent system with perfect information flow allows all departments to visibly see where each activity lies in terms of progress and ensures that duplication of work doesn’t take place. With an ERP system in place, firms can effectively use the most efficient methods of routing and workflow such as using the most


WRITE A 2500W0RDS DICUSSING CRITICALLY HOW SEA MIGHT ACT AS A CATALAYST FOR INNOVATION WITHIN A SECTOR OF YOUR CHOICE.ILLUSTRATE YOUR ANSWER WITH REAL EXAMPLES - Essay Example roach towards the assessment of environment which has became a debatable topic globally since it provides a strategic approach to resolve environmental issues and challenges. The work represents the innovative role of SEA in improving the Nigerian Transportation issues and challenges. Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) is a collection of strategic approaches with an aim of integrating the various environmental considerations to support the sustainable development of the environment. SEA is an effort to have a strategic approach towards the various environmental issues which requires critical analysis and participatory approaches for integrating all of the environmental issues and present them in format of policies, plans, and programmes. The other aspect of SEA is to synchronize those policies and plans with the available social and economic considerations to have a holistic assessment of sustainable development (DAC, 2006). The process of SEA helps in ensuring the developmental activities towards the environment which are taking place according to the policies, plans, and programmes developed through the process. The tool of SEA has proved to be an effective measure in achieving the sustainable development in context of public planning and policy developme nt (SEA-info, 2008). The SEA is performed prior to the introduction of environmental impact assessment (EIA) which serve as a decision making process concerned to the environmental issues and considerations. Due to the early requirement of SEA it is also considered as the key approach towards the achievement of sustainable development (UNECE, 2003). The SEA can be described as a method of identifying the way which supports the application of relevant procedural criteria into the decision making process. The underlying concept of SEA is based on criteria such as the functional description of the process of decision making, decision windows, various implications of decision windows onto the environmental

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Vietnam war Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Vietnam war - Research Paper Example It occupied northwest section of South Vietnam which was considered demilitarized and guard point to Ho Chi Minh Trail. This means that Khe Sanh was targeted by General Giap who was the North Vietnam army leader as the United States marine also held it as of great importance in managing the war. The North Vietnam were close to victory against US when On February 25th, one patrol lost 9 dead, 25 wounded and 19 missing in action. President Johnson officially withdrew US troops on 5th July with significant challenge to convince the world that they had defeated the North Vietnam (Rottman and Duncan 72-4). There are critical factors that Historians need to capture when investigating this war. This is as a result of the conflicting historical findings from different researchers. The facts and figures presented on the number of casualties especially the United States marine shows significant inconsistency with what actually happened. This is because united States were making attempts to satisfy the conscience of the people that it won. On the other hand, it was evident that the overwhelming tactical pressure and sustained combat by the North Vietnam Army forced them to own up (Rottman and Duncan 112-7). It is therefore important for the historians to carry out in-depth investigation on the total personnel deployed by the United States and the number that were eliminated or maimed for life. This would help give a true picture of the loss United States incurred in the entirety of war. Economic consequences United States suffered as it sustained the war at its overall overhaul of foreign p olicy change should be the standpoint of how devastated it was after the War (Prados and Ray 75). The epitome of the bloody war requires narration of an observer or participant for which one young soldier as presented in The Things They Carried, by Tim OBrien gives a better

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Foreign Capital Essay Example for Free

Foreign Capital Essay Foreign capital: The capital available to any country other than the domestic capital in order to finance any domestic purpose is called foreign capital. Need for Foreign Capital 1.Capital investment requirements – Since underdeveloped countries want to industrialize themselves within a short period of time, it becomes necessary to increase capital investment substantially. This requires a high level of savings. However, because of general poverty, the savings are very low. This creates a resource gap between investment needs and savings. This gap has to be filled through foreign capital. 2. Technology transfers – The under developed countries have lower technological capacity as compared to advanced countries. The desire for industrialization creates the need for importing technology from advanced countries. Such technology transfer usually comes with foreign capital in the form of private foreign investment or foreign collaboration. The technological gap is reduced by training domestic personnel and through establishment of educational, research or training institutes. 3. Exploitation of natural resources – A number of underdeveloped countries possess huge mineral resources, which can be exploited for economic development. These countries do not possess the required technical skill and expertise to accomplish this task. As a consequence, they have to depend upon foreign capital to undertake the exploitation of their mineral wealth. 4. Development of entrepreneurship – Many under developed countries suffer from shortage of private entrepreneurs. This creates a limitation in the process of industrialization. Foreign capital undertakes the risk of investment in host countries and thus provides the much-needed impetus to the process of industrialization. Once the process of industrialization gets started with foreign capital, domestic industrial activity also increases through greater local participation. This automatically develops local entrepreneurship. 5. Development of economic infrastructure – The domestic capital in under developed countries is inadequate to build the required level of economic  infra structure. Thus these countries require the assistance of foreign capital to undertake this task. Over the last 50 years, international financial institutions and governments of advanced countries have made substantial capital available to the under developed countries to develop their economic infrastructure in the form of transport and communications systems, generation and distribution of electricity, development of irrigation facilities, etc. The basic intention is to build an economic model for achieving sustainable development. 6. Financing balance of payments deficit – In the initial phase of economic development, under developed countries face larger imports (in the form of machinery, capital goods, industrial raw materials, spares and components), than exports. The deficit in the balance of trade is financed by inflow of foreign capital. The economic development of an underdeveloped country therefore needs foreign capital to initiate its economic development process and sustain it till desired level of stability is reached